Sunday, April 20, 2008


I have decided to work on the project that I developed for ETEC 544. When I started to work on the Pre-Thesis Paper, I realized that it needs further development. It seems overwhelming all the information that I need to include on the Pre-Thesis. My state of stress is increasing even more because I still need to decide if I want my project to be an online tutorial or just a document tutorial. I have posted the Pre-Thesis paper on my website. I would appreciate suggestions.

Pre-Thesis Paper under ETEC 644 heading:


Darlene Pitman said...

Maria, maybe you could do a quick informal survey of your target audience, the new teachers. Ask which one they think they would prefer, and by how much. Of course don't drive yourself crazy, weigh the amount of work you'd have to put in against any benefits of doing it that way.

Bill said...

Maria, how often would the information change? If you would be constantly updating and improving the tutorial, then I think the work involved in presenting it online would save a lot of time in the future. You would be making the changes in one location, instead of having to constantly print out new tutorials. Bill

Carla Felix said...

Hello Maria,

If you decide to go with an online tutorial I recommend using Camtasia software you can get a free 30-day trial and its easy to use